Club ByLaws

The club shall be known as the Dundalk Lawn Bowling Club hereinafter referred to as the Club. It shall be affiliated with the Ontario Lawn Bowls Association in affiliation with Bowls Canada Boulingrin.


To encourage, promote and facilitate the playing of the game of lawn bowls. To provide healthful recreation, fellowship and enjoyment through participation in the activities of the Club.

Article I – Head Office

The head office shall be in the village of Dundalk in the Township of Southgate in the Province of Ontario and at such place as therein as the Officers may from time to time determine.

Article II – Officers of the Club

Section 1: The affairs of the Club shall be managed by Officers that will consist of, but not limited to, a President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers will be elected to office by a majority vote of the membership and be members in good standing. The term of office will be undetermined and relinquishing of office will be at the discretion of each officer.

Section 2: The members of the Club may, by resolution passed by at least two thirds of the votes cast at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to pass such a resolution has been given, remove any officer from their position. The members may then elect an officer who is qualified and willing to assume the position by a majority vote.

Section 3: Subject to section 2 herein any officer may relinquish their position providing they have submitted sufficient notice of their intention and the vacancy can be filled by the remaining officers of any member who is qualified and willing to assume the vacancy. This will be subject to a confirmation vote of majority at the next General meeting.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1: There will be two meetings held per year when all members are invited to attend. The timing and dates to be determined by the President and will usually be scheduled for the spring or beginning of the bowling season and the fall or end of the bowling season. The purpose of these meetings will be to inform the members of any changes or events that may be upcoming on both a club level or district. The financial standing of the Club together with plans and projects that will impact, improve or affect the financial standing of the Club.

Section 2: The President may also call ad-hock meetings at his/her discretion, of the Officers and other members as deemed necessary, to discuss items that need follow up or action. 

Section 3: All meetings defined in section 1 & 2 will be minuted and documented for either dissemination to the members directly or at one of the general meetings.

Article V – Powers

Section 1: The officers of the Club may administer the affairs of the club in all things and make or cause to be made for the Club, in its name, any kind of contract which the Club may lawfully enter into and save as hereinafter provided, generally, may exercise all such other powers and do all such other acts and things as the Club is by its charter or otherwise authorized to exercise and do.

Section 2: Without in any way derogating from the foregoing, the Officers are expressly empowered, from time to time, to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, alienate, sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of securities, and any other property, movable or immovable, real or personal, or any right or interest therein owned by the Club, for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as they may deem advisable.

Article VI – Remuneration 

Section 1: The officers shall receive no remuneration for acting as such.

Section 2: Not withstanding the above, any activities that are considered abnormal an officer and or member who is involved in such an activity can be reimbursed for mileage traveled and either have fees payed for by the Club or reimbursed. Also those people who are actively and often involved with the maintenance of the green shall be given a nominal sum as approved by the members of the Club at one of the general meetings.

Article VII – Duties Of Officers

Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Club and also be charged with the general management and supervision and operation of the Club. The President plus one other officer shall sign all by-laws.

Section 2: The secretary shall keep minutes of all general meetings together with any other meeting requested by the President. They shall also be responsible for generating thank you letters for all the Clubs sponsors. 

Section 3: The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Club in proper books or electronically. The treasurer shall also generate a statement of account for dissemination at the general meetings and further generate for the President on a monthly basis a detailed account of expenses and deposits occurring in said month. 

Article VIII – Membership Fees

Section 1: Annual fees and fractional fees for members shall be in such amounts as determined and approved by members at the first General meeting of the year.

Article IX – Amendment of By-Laws

Section 1: The by-laws of the Club may be altered or amended at one of the general meetings having been approved by a majority of the members.